Services d’aide aux survivantes d’agression sexuelle Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry & Akwesasne

Depuis plus de 20 ans, SASAS s’emploie à mettre fin à la violence sexuelle et à soutenir les survivantes.

Obtenir de l’aide
Female counsellor working with a female client.

Nous aidons et soutenons les femmes depuis plus de 20 ans

Les services de proximité de Services d’aide aux survivantes d’agression sexuelle SDG&A sont offerts dans les comtés de Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry et Akwesasne à toutes les femmes âgées de 16 ans et plus qui ont été victimes de violence sexuelle à un moment ou un autre de leur vie.

À Propos de Nous
Aide Immédiate

Notre équipe dévouée est là pour vous aider.

Besoin d'une aide immédiate? Notre ligne confidentielle est ouverte à toutes les survivantes de violence sexuelle ainsi qu’à leurs familles et ami.e.s.  Services de traduction disponibles, dans plus de 300 langues.

Ligne de soutien en cas de crise, 24/7

1 877 544-6424 (AN)
1 877 336-2433 (FR)

Clavardage et texto:

All our services are also available in English.

Fem'aide logo.



Au Services d’aide aux survivantes d’agression sexuelle de SDG&A, nous offrons soutien et counselling, tant individuel qu’en groupe.

Sensibilisation du public

Nos kiosques de présentation aident à sensibiliser la population afin de prévenir la violence sexuelle. Offerts aux groupes, aux écoles, aux organismes et dans les milieux de travail, entre autres.

Défense des droits et accompagnement

Nous offrons soutien et accompagnement pour aller à l’hôpital, au poste de police, en cour, à divers rendez-vous, etc.

Traite des personnes

Demandez de l’aide si vous êtes victime de la traite des personnes ou si vous connaissez une personne qui en a été victime.

Obtenir de l’aide



My name is Kierrin. I'm a survivor. I'm a 56-year-old woman, and have been suffering from all forms of sexual violence and assaults since I was 3 years old. I am finally free! SASS for Women in has been my lifeline! I have been with this organization of caring, loving and understanding powerful women, for just over a year. I have learned to understand myself better than I ever have before. I see red flags, I pay attention to my instincts, and I am starting to learn to love myself despite all of the horrific violence, sexual violence, that I have endured for years and years. Until I went to SASS, I felt like I had a Target painted on my forehead. I always drew narcissistic sociopathic partners. I am free again! I use this word free because I have been living a life of terror, fear, and shame. I have had no support from family and most friends do not understand what I have been through, and I'm continuing to go through. I now know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel! During my trial, as I prosecuted my offender, my predator, SASS for women helped me through this trial by allowing me to be at their office and had counselors sitting with me, helping me, throughout probably the most difficult time I've ever experienced in my life. All I can say is that these women are wonderful. If you are like me and are looking to find some peace in your soul because of all of the horrible things that you have endured this is the place for you! Thank you, SASS for everything you have done for me. The depth of my respect is unfathomable. Thank you.


When I first moved to Cornwall , and throughout my stay there, SASS was my safest and main resort where I had a lot of Warmth, Support, Compassion  and a lot of Fun... like literally fun dancing, eating, painting and also chatting with the best and most honest people I have ever met in my life . I don't know what I would do without being referred to Sass, I can say I literally felt LOVED and HEARD for the first time after too long. I just love and miss this place, my favourite!!!


I have gone to SASS twice in my life for about a year or so at both intervals.  It was always about the child sexual abuse that I had gone through.  I am 59 years old now and periodically throughout my life I get triggered somehow and again go through all that turmoil.  SASS has helped to keep my alive and helped get through some really rough spots in my life.  They have empowered me and validated my feelings.  I am grateful to them and it is comforting to know that I can always go back.


Foire aux questions

Est-ce que mon agresseur sera puni si je signale l’agression?
Qui risque d’être victime de violence sexuelle?
Qui commet ces abominables agressions sexuelles?
Qu’est-ce que la violence sexuelle?
Qu’arrive-t-il lorsque je décide de porter plainte?
Voir toutes les foire aux questions
Gender Equality & InclusionPride RainbowUnited Way SDG Logo
Les opinions exprimées dans cette publication sont celles de SASAS et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles de la province.