Chat Terms of Use


We take your privacy very seriously. The Sexual Assault Support Services of SDG&A does not trace calls or live chat conversations. We can’t get anyone else involved if you choose to stay anonymous.


Our chat service is using technology built to be secure and is protective of the conversations held on it. It uses end-to-end encryption and the data is segregated from other users. Encryption is a way to ensure that if the data is being intercepted, it does not come up appearing the same way you see it, it comes up looking like code.

When you message us, you may use your name or an alias. It’s up to you! Your message remains confidential and a trained facilitator will respond.

Anonymous records of this chat service may be retained for the purpose of training and/or quality control.


You have the option to remain anonymous when using our service. Anonymous means our support facilitators will not require you to provide any identifying information during a conversation. You may choose to give us your name or location because you want a facilitator to help you find services in your community, but it is not mandatory to provide this information. If you request follow-up from staff members or would like ongoing support, a form of contact will be needed, but only shared in the way that you have requested.

If you give us information that can identify you and the situation is considered dangerous to you or others, the support facilitator is legally obligated to involve an external agency. This is part of our “Duty to Report”.

​Our support facilitators have a duty to report in the following cases:

1.    If you are under the age of 16 (sixteen) and tell us that someone is hurting you, has hurt you, or is likely to hurt you in the future, or you have witnessed domestic violence. If you are under the age of 16, services will be offered to you from Family and Children’s Services’ separate program called the Sexual Abuse Treatment Program. These services are voluntary and require your consent.

2.    If you tell us you are planning to hurt yourself or someone else, and you have provided us with identifying information;

3.    If you tell us that you have been abused by a professional in your life (doctor, counsellor, psychologist, social worker, teacher, parent/stepparent, etc.).

Although we are obligated to report these things, we will discuss them with you before any report is made and will support you in making the report if necessary.